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Our aim is to transform the life’s of communities through our different programmes that focuses on preventing anti-social behaviour amongst children, youth and community at large, improving literacy and learning performance, providing and increasing the skill level and opportunities, promoting youth and community social participation, enhance positive youth leadership, career and employment opportunities and strive to empower the public, promote, reinforce and safeguard human rights, equality and democracy through the following Programmes:

  1. Substance Abuse Education, Prevention and Training Services.
  2. Girl and Boy Child Development Programme
  3. Child and Youth Care Service
  4. Plant a Seed Educational Development Programme
  5. Family Care and Support Services
  6. Human Rights Advocacy and Education Programme
  7. Vula Masango – “Creating a cycle of opportunities”


Substance abuse is a mayor public health problem that affects millions of people and places enormous financial and social burdens on society. It destroys families, damages the economy, victimizes communities, and places extraordinary demands on education, criminal justice, and social service system. It has been shown to destroy child and family life, promote criminal behaviour, contribute to spread of HIV/AIDS, lead to loss of productivity and unemployment, increase poverty, and play a significant role in road accidents, violence, death and abuse of women and children.

This service aims to:
-To increase community understanding of substance abuse and family issues by conducting education and awareness programmes
-Engage all sectors of the community to prevent substance abuse, other social ills, reduce harm and promote healthy choices among South African residents through a variety of prevention, education, advocacy, early intervention and treatments efforts.



There has been a great neglect of boy child in South Africa as their welfare is ignored by many. Many people and organizations have come in to promote the welfare of girl child; leaving the boy child behind. This has therefore left many South Africans ignorant on the rights, wellbeing, welfare and social justice of the boy child.
Therefore the programme is committed to promote the Education, Empowerment, Rehabilitation, Welfare and Social Justice of every boy child.

This service aims to:
-To enhance boy child protection, promote a culture of their rights and enlighten their rights and welfare.
-To rehabilitate male children who have been in streets, criminal activities, outlawed sects, violence and drug/ substance abuse.


Woman and girl children are most precious and valuable people in our lives. They need to be recognized, they need to be empowered, they need to be cared for, they need to be given opportunities, they need to be given a chance and be supported at all times because of their roles that they play in our lives

Each year many girls are abused, deprived their rights, become pregnant at early ages, become victims of human trafficking and even married before they even turn 18. That’s one in 3 girls in the developing world who lose their opportunities to play, to go to school, to dream about what their futures might hold for them.

Their options narrow, their life paths are set for them as child brides, child mothers, domestic servants. We are dedicated to provide programmes that will provide access to critical resources, such as information, skills and social support.

The acquisition and adoption of these resources then serve as the catalyst for independent pathways for girl children

This service aims to:
-To protect and safeguard the rights and wellbeing of girl children and prevent the abuse of girl children including gender based and domestic violence in particular rape, child marriage, trafficking and related reproductive health issues.
-Maintain independence on girl children and develop girl’s physical, mental and financial capacities with particular emphasis on poverty alleviation by supporting and strengthening their skills and by ensuring that women’s voice, concerns and issues are represented wherever it is most appropriate


For most people, children are vulnerable beings and they awake a desire to care and protect. It becomes so sad when children are ill treated or neglected and that is why we all have the responsibility to stand up for the rights of children. The world is filled with young people and children who find themselves in circumstances where they are vulnerable, unhappy, not cared for or exposed to different forms of risks( to become involved in prostitution, criminal activities or victims of abuse and exploitation.

This service aims to:
This service is focusing on care, support, protection and holistic development of children. It also assist young people in their development where they can be able to improve their behavior, skills, qualities, strengths, opportunities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential. The aim is also to eliminate and prevent destructive, deviant and anti-social behavior in child and youth such as (gang activity, criminal activities, etc) and encourage development of social acceptable behavior, personal standards and values of living. In this service we also designed a specific programme that will focus on the development of children for them to have a sense of mastery and Independence for them to acquire skills and knowledge at a young age. The programme also seeks to ensure that the well-being and dignity of every child is respected, their rights are being upheld and their potential is recognized. This Programme is called “THE DIGNIFIED CHILD”.


Most people from underprivileged backgrounds desperately need to begin working the moment they complete Matric or tertiary education to help support their family. Many times this forces the possibility to complete at school. Many opportunities are designed for those who have completed their matric or tertiary level and competence in vocational, numeracy, literacy, computer and analytical skills. However the people who are illiterate and unskilled suffers and struggle a lot to acquire many things or to reach their goals and they always felt neglected when it comes to opportunities.

It is true that many people in South Africa suffer from poor or complete lack of access to basic, and advanced levels of education. Lack of basic or advanced education and opportunities is a significant factor in the prevalent problem that is poverty. Being Literate or having a Matric is an entry point of opportunities and a better future. People leaving school without Matric, they are finding it increasingly difficult to find stable jobs and opportunities. This leads to increased poverty as they are forced to live on the breadline just to survive and impacts on crime.

Therefore our service aims to support, strengthen and empower all from children to adults to improve their level of education so that they can acquire skills, opportunities and decrease illiteracy.

This service aims to:
-Strengthen, promote and empower the performance of learning around the learners by creating an environment where they will be able to strengthen their academic performance and improve their competency in literacy, numeracy, vocational and analytical skills through English, mathematics and computer skills.
-Provide study guidance, materials, support, and learning and development opportunities to underperforming learners, those with lower results, and those who couldn’t finish schooling and sustain the performance of those who performs well.
-To assess, identify and manage learners performance, behavior and provide early preventative intervention with teacher, parent and child components to promote effective learner performance and development.
-Enhance protective factors and reduce identified risk factors by providing prevention programmes to prevent, reduce and lessen the risk factors that lead the learners and young people to substance abuse, gangsterism, illiteracy, school drop-out and truancy.


The family services seek to strengthen families and maintain their well-being through specific programme and actions. This is aimed at enhancing family resilience and family preservation, empowering and supporting the well-being of families, providing care to vulnerable members of families. We also want to assist the family to meet their needs, promoting peace and security, human rights and democracy in the country.

This service aims to:
-Create an environment where all people are safe, where they feel they belong and where positive relationships can be developed
To provide and implement the following:
-Prevention, Education and Information on domestic and gender based violence,
-Provide family competence skills and guidance to enhance parenting, -Prevention, Education and Information on domestic and gender based violence,
-Effective child management behaviors,
-Effective Parent-to-child interactions, Communication, Bonding, healthy relationships and prevention of family dysfunction.


Human rights are essential for individuals to develop their personality, their human qualities, their intelligence, talent and conscience and to enable them to satisfy spiritual and other higher needs. Human rights are held by all human beings and human rights exist as long as human beings exist, both are inalienable and cannot be separated. Precisely, human rights imply availability of “Such conditions which are essential for the fullest development and realization of the innate characteristics which nature has bestowed each person as a human being”. They are essential to ensure the dignity of every person as a human being.

This service aims to:
-To provide protection of the rights against the abuse of power and to educate communities about their rights and democracy.
-To promote the culture of civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International conventions, and to strengthen the values of democracy and citizenship.
-To support and advocate for the needs and rights of children and youth.


The service helps people to acquire and improve the skills they need to set life goals which can enhance their employ ability prospects and gain opportunities, raise their confidence and lead to a more fulfilling higher quality life. They plan to make relevant, positive and effective life choices and decisions for their future to enable personal empowerment. Everyone wants to make a significant and meaningful change in their lives.

This service aims to:
-To support and help communities to acquire access to information, business or entrepreneurial opportunities, prospects of skills, employment and career opportunities through information, education, training, job creation, vocational skills, economic and study opportunities.

Contact Details

Address of the Organization: 247 C Section Botshabelo 9781
Province: Free-State
Country: South Africa
Tel: 051 532 9003
After Hours: 081 263 3170
Fax: 086 2745 773
Email: |
NPO Number: 039-873
PBO Number: 930 052 964


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