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About Us

Seed Foundation South Africa is a registered Non-Profit Organisation that was founded in 2004 under the name Thusanang Community Based Organisation. The name SEED is a shortened name of (Social, Education and Economic Development).

Seed Foundation South Africa is dedicated to enhance the quality of life and bring positive change by providing community development services to prevent and fight social ills that harms the lives of communities from childhood to adulthood and address the risk factors leading to substance abuse, gangsterism, crime, women & child abuse, juvenile and youth anti-social behaviour, gender based violence, illiteracy and poverty.

Our programmes aims to transform and empower communities through information, education, training and workshops for development of personal, social, academic and economical skills development initiatives. The organisation strives to provide mentorship and support programmes to strengthen and empower communities with opportunities, numeracy and literacy skills. These programme targets children, youth, families, civil society organisation and schools.

We are the grassroots organisation dedicated to enhance the quality of life and bring positive change by providing community development services and fight social ills that harms the lives of communities from childhood to adulthood.

We are the catalyst for community mobilization, neighborhood and family enrichment, and collaborative strategies planning.

A volunteer coalition of individuals and organisation dedicated to change the world and strives to create an environment where gender equality, freedom and social justice are not a dream but a reality.

Contact Details

Address of the Organization: 247 C Section Botshabelo 9781
Province: Free-State
Country: South Africa
Tel: 051 532 9003
After Hours: 081 263 3170
Fax: 086 2745 773
Email: |
NPO Number: 039-873
PBO Number: 930 052 964


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