Our aim is to transform the life’s of communities through our different programmes that focuses on preventing anti-social behaviour amongst children, youth and community at large, improving literacy and learning performance, providing and increasing the skill level and opportunities, promoting youth and community social participation, enhance positive youth leadership, career and employment opportunities and strive to empower the public, promote, reinforce and safeguard human rights, equality and democracy through the following Programmes:
Create a healthy environment
Restore peace, balance, comfort, and harmony
Restore a sense of safety and security
in the lives of communities to grow and flourish.
All people feel they belong and have a voice
Communication participation, respect and patience are valued.
All people feel pride, are invested in their neighborhoods and feel safe.
The community empowers families to develop their potential through existing and newly created opportunities
A new destiny of Hope is established for all.
Strives to create an environment where gender equality, freedom and social justice are not a dream but a reality.
Collaboration, Innovation, Development, Genuine, Exceptional, Involved
As we teach individuals the skills to live a positive lifestyle, we work towards the following:
To improve overall family cohesion and communication.
To reduce the likelihood that children, youth and adults will engage in risky behaviour...